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Water infrastructure projects recently awarded

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  5. Water infrastructure projects recently awarded

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[av_image src=’http://ziyandaconsulting.co.za.dedi747.jnb2.host-h.net/STACH/uploads/2016/11/news3-300×225.jpg’ attachment=’964′ attachment_size=’medium’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’][/av_image]

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The following projects, managed by ZIYANDA Consulting, have been awarded recently:

Client Contract No. Description Award Value Successful Contractor
Ugu District Municipality UGU-07-1194-2012 Construction of 160-63mm Diameter x 8,0km Long UPVC reticulation pipelines in Stick Farm R2.3M Sizabonke Civils cc t/a Pilcon Projects
Ugu District Municipality UGU-07-1197-2012 Construction of 600 mm Diameter x 3.0km steel pipeline from Shelly Beach Off –Take to Uvongo Off Take R22M TBA
Ugu District Municipality UGU-07-1207-2013 Construction of 100-300mm Diameter x 7.4 km long steel UPVC pipelines & Associated Pipe Bridge at stream crossings R13.9M LNY Construction & Civils
Ugu District Municipality UGU-07-1034-2013 Construction of 110mm Diameter x 5 km Long UPVC reticulation pipelines in Harding. R5.6M LNY Construction & Civils
