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The Madadeni Johnston Link Roads

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The Newcastle Municipality assisted by ZIYANDA Consulting has recently opened Madadeni – Johnstown Link Road to the community of Madadeni, Johnstown, Lister, Blaauwbosch and Osizweni. The scope of services for the road linking Section 7 of Madadeni Township with Osizweni Township consisted of design and construction of a 1.2km long road to tie with JR1 Access Road and a bridge across Teku River.

The road is now under the Defects Liability Period of 12 months while the Final Approval inspection for the bridge was completed in June 2013.

ZIYANDA Consulting has worked with the following partners in the development, design and construction of project infrastructure:

Bridge  – Makhubu Civils cc
Road works – Supergold Trading 177 cc t/a Ukhova

Project lead: Stanley Mgutshini
Design lead: Owen Moyo and Gasa Mlambo

For more project information, contact Owen Moyo on owenm@ziyandaconsulting.co.za
