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Upgrading Health & Hygiene facilities for Thembalethu Residents

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  5. Upgrading Health & Hygiene facilities for Thembalethu Residents

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ZIYANDA Consulting is currently working with Mkhanyakude District Municipality on the Thembalethu Sanitation Project. This sanitation  project mainly focuses on eradicating sanitation backlogs and improving the general health and hygiene standards of the communities. The project is  funded by MIG and comprises the following:

  • Conversion of Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) toilets in the Thembalethu area to waterborne sanitation, including bulk sewer to Mkuze Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW)
  • Upgrading sewerage in Mlingo Township
  • Upgrade of Mkuze WWTW
  • Implementing reticulation system including bulks for the proposed extension to Mkuze town
  • Construction of toilets including sewer reticulation for Lindelani Village

On completion of the project, Lindelani,  Umlingo and  Thembalethu will benefit from the provision of the above services.